Bryan Drilling offers Lawn Irrigation Wells and
Storage Tanks in North & Central New Jersey.
When contemplating a lawn sprinkler system or expanding landscaping to a new portion of the yard, few individuals are aware of the amount of money an irrigation well may save homeowners over time while safeguarding their landscaping investment. Below is a collection of the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding irrigation wells.
What Is an Irrigation Well?
An irrigation well is quite similar to a residential well, with the exception that the water is connected to a sprinkler system or outdoor faucet. Due to the fact that you are not utilizing water from the municipal system, it will not be charged on your water bill, saving you a substantial amount of money. These wells must be placed by a professional well drilling firm, but your landscape designer or sprinkler system installation can advise you on the best way to incorporate an irrigation well as the source.

Can I Drill an Irrigation Well on my Land?
If you intend to drill an irrigation well, you must have sufficient space in your yard to accommodate the necessary heavy equipment. This equipment must also have access to entry and exit from the property.
Once the feasibility has been determined, consider the location. Since additional excavation and tubing will be required for the connection, wells are more expensive the further they are from the residence and the irrigation system. Consider whether you will want to add on to your home. Wells cannot be relocated, so ensure that it is not in a desirable location for adding a new room to your home.
Are there restrictions on the location of the well?
Well-drilling restrictions vary by municipality and state, although the most demand certain setbacks from property borders, buildings, and wetlands. Before contacting a well drilling business, determine if there are any other wells on your land or within 100 feet. Additionally, investigate the locations of neighboring wetlands, rivers, and ponds. This will assist you in answering some of the questions posed by the well drilling firm.
How Deep are they Drilled?
Two types of irrigation wells exist. A shallow well, also called a dug well, has a depth of less than 50 feet. It takes water from groundwater and can offer sufficient water for a garden of average size. Bedrock wells are sunk deep into the earth and tap aquifers for water. Both can provide the required 10 gallons per minute of water.
Are Irrigation Wells Environmental Disruptive?
Small amounts of water are drawn from irrigation wells for usage in your yard. The water is returned straight to the ground, so contributing to the replenishment of ground water supplies. In addition, the water is untreated, unlike municipal water, which prevents the addition of trace levels of contaminants to the environment.
Storage Tanks
Well tanks are an essential component of water wells that ensure their optimal operation. They are pressurized by compressed air, which significantly contributes to the water pressure in your home. This regulates the flow rate of water from your faucets. In addition, tanks alert the well’s pump when the water level becomes too low and it is time to refill.
If the tank is malfunctioning, it can quickly cause damage to the well pump. Therefore, it is essential to get your well tank fixed or replaced if you notice an anomaly. Otherwise, you risk not having enough water for your bathtubs, sinks, toilets, and washing machines.

Bryan Drilling provides well tank installation, maintenance, and replacement to New Jersey homes. We carry all sorts of tanks, including diaphragm and bladder tanks made of steel and fiberglass, respectively. We provide a choice of tanks to ensure that you can select one that fits your budget, desired lifespan, and the size of your property.
Bryan Drilling’s contractors will visit your property and determine whether your tank requires maintenance or replacement. If a replacement is required, we will assist you in selecting the proper type of tank for your house and family.
You can reach us at (908) 879-5671 to request well tank service, replacement, or installation for your residential property. We strive to provide professional, efficient service that accommodates your schedule.